This page will be a catch-all for project summaries. Once each has developed to a point of substance, a link to a separate page will be put in so more details will be available.

Rosy Hours: A modern-day retelling of the Phantom of the Opera (novel and musical) with a dash of Beautiful Mind and a twist of Fight Club. Is the wonder inspired by astounding genius worth the price it exacts? Right now this is taking shape as a screenplay, but that may change once it gets finished. I have a pretty good notion of the characters, but the plot has proven to be a little more stubborn.

Uncanny Valley: This longstanding project is more definitive in terms of its cast of characters and world, but less secure in terms of shape it will take. Estranged twin brothers confront the terrifying majesty of embodiments of the very concepts that organize the world–Chance, Death, Law, Loss–and realize that the only hope they have is to take their places among them. Many separate bits and pieces are written up, some novelistically, some scriptish. Here I have characters I am nearly in love with—and more than should be in any reasonable movie (but might be okay for a novel)—and difficulty formulating a plot to bring them together. At this moment, Uncanny Valley is in the shape of a mapped-out page of interlocking novels, stories, and scripts—at least 14 major chunks in 3 movements. The scale has turned from the specific to the epic and is slowly gelling.

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